First time fix

- How often a technician can solve a problem on the first visit without having to make a return visit.

First time fix is something that has existed for a long time in other industries, but only recently started to appear in the heat pump industry. It is measured in percentage and a company that is good at fixing a fault in the heating system on the first visit, can be around 80%.

If you want your heat pump or heating system fixed on the first visit, you can always ask your repairman how high their first time fix is. Some companies do not measure it while other companies are careful to measure it.

In order to increase their first time fix, the heat pump company can do a more thorough initial fault assessment over the phone, which means they ask you more questions when you report your heat pump fault. Furthermore, the service company can have more spare parts and the right tools in stock at home and have more spare parts with them in the car out to the customer.

If the company is not good at the first time fix, it may mean that you get an increased cost, as they have to come out a second time after ordering the spare part or go and pick it up. Sometimes you can't solve the problem right away and there may be challenges you encounter that cannot be predicted.

The manufacturers' requirements for a first time fix

Even the manufacturers of heat pumps and heating systems are now beginning to understand the importance of the service companies having a high first time fix. When the service companies have a high first time fix, it usually means more satisfied customers, because the customers get their problem fixed on the first visit. The high first time fix usually means that heat and hot water return more quickly and that the customer does not have to attend more times. Which in turn means that the customer who owns the heat pump with a certain brand continues to be satisfied as it is repaired quickly. Some heat pump manufacturers have gone so far as to require the service companies to be on a high % first time fix to guarantee customer satisfaction.