Prepare your heat pump for the winter season

Every year winter comes and it's time for your heat pump to start working hard again. As soon as the degrees start to fall, there is less energy in the air and the entire heat pump has to work extra hard compared to milder weather. It is also often during temperature changes that certain parts can break or that you notice that the heat pump needs to be repaired or serviced. The worst is between -5 and +5 degrees in a humid environment.But there are some things that you as a heat pump owner can do to extend the life of your heat pump, reduce heating costs and protect the house. In connection with the temperature dropping, it is especially important to be responsive to your heat pump so that you can optimize and repair the heat pump in good time before the coldest period so that you are guaranteed to have heat and hot water when you need it most. It is also then that it is most difficult to get help from a service technician to repair when they have the most to do.

Leaves and snow impair the air supplyIn 

During autumn, the leaves fall and then the snow falls. Both of these can cause problems for the external part of the heat pump. The leaves can easily get stuck in the outdoor part and hinder the air supply and also rot and affect the components. Therefore, make sure that your outdoor area is free of leaves.When it comes to the snow, your outdoor area must be able to have access to large amounts of air per day as during the colder period of the year there is less energy in the air and then more air is needed. Scoop around the outdoor part of the heat pump so there is free air flow.

Snow and ice

It is not only the snow on the ground that can cause it, at least as important is the snow and above all the ice that hangs above the outdoor part of the heat pump. Be extra vigilant when the snow starts to melt and slide down the roofs. Falling snow and ice from the roof can cause damage to the outdoor part and the last thing you want is to be without heat and hot water in the winter. There is protection for the outdoor part that is mounted above the outdoor part to specifically protect it against falling snow/ice. It is possible to buy ready-made or build it yourself.

Condensation creates moisture and ice

During the winter months, your outdoor area will produce a lot of condensation water. The worst is between -5 to +5 and above all when there is high humidity. It is therefore important to ensure that the condensate is diverted in the right way. In the worst case, the condensed water can run along the house wall and cause moisture damage in or on the house or deteriorate the condition of the house. During the winter, the condensed water can also freeze if there is no proper drainage of the water. Then it can become devastatingly slippery in front of and around the outdoor part, which can cause damage. To get rid of this problem, it is possible to install heating in the condensation tray under the outdoor part so that the condensation water can drain away. The condensed water is preferably led to a stone chest some distance away or down a drain for storm water. It is the distance between the condensation water trough and the frost-free depth that determines how long extra heating cable you need.